Peppermint Please Pack Panel RS2040 11P Ruby Star#1
Candy Please panel by Sarah Watts for Ruby Star Society Fabrics.
Cut: Christmas Project Panel | RS2040-11P
Size: 57.5" x 70.75"
The Christmas Project Panel measures to 70.75" wide with 1 Christmas Countdown Calendar with treat pockets, 17 "Happy Holidays" Bunting Triangles, 6 Larger Plush Characters for quilt blocks and plushies, and assorted smaller elements.
100% cotton
Additional Requirements:
Countdown Calendar
- 7/8 yd backing fabric
- 1/3 yd binding fabric
- 30x34" or larger batting
- 36" wooden dowel (optional)
- 1-1/2 yd ribbon or twill tape (optional)
- 1/2 yd backing fabric
- 4 yds 1/2" double fold bias tape
Plush/Pillow Characters
- assorted fat quartes for backings
- filling